Sunday, January 16, 2011

To be practical or to be happy - that is the question.

As is evidenced above, I’ve always had a tendency to over-pack… I HATE when I want to wear a particular shirt or scarf and I’ve left it behind; thus, I simply pack for ALL occasions and possible weather fluctuations. Needless to say, this is a bit of a problem since my home is in the beautiful Bay Area, California, and my school is located in Ithaca, (upstate) New York – the drastic weather difference almost encourages me to over-pack. However, it can be tiresome to lug all of my favorite clothes/accessories/shoes back and forth just for my peace of mind (although it’s strangely satisfying). It’s actually presented me with a bit of a conundrum when it comes to packing for my treks, especially when I think about my shoes: since I’ve never experienced a truly snowy winter, I’m still debating whether or not I should still bring my favorite shoes back with me to Ithaca for the spring semester (since January to early March is supposed to be freezing). To be practical with sensible shoes (pros: toasty warm feet, cons: the style quotient of the wardrobe of “Fargo”) or to be happy with pretty, albeit snow-and-salt-shy shoes and cold feet (pros: pretty shoes, plus the assurance of knowing that I will have the appropriate pair for each event/outfit/mood that I come across, cons: frostbite) - that is the question.  - C

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